2012 Newsletters

December 2012

 Jason Cooperrider My Journey to Humanism I am honored to have been invited to share the story of my journey to humanism with you here tonight. Before telling you about the journey to my current worldview, I'll first describe what my current ...

November 2012

The State of Journalism in Utah Paul Rolly, political columnist for the Salt Lake Tribune , spoke on the subject The State Of Journalism And Its Relationship To The Political Climate Currently In Utah at our October general meeting. Rolly grew up...

October 2012

What is Religious Humanism? “If you think about religion as a set of beliefs about supernatural agents, you are bound to misunderstand it.” I recently read The Righteous Mind by Jonathan Haidt, and the above quotation shouted at me because I s...

September 2012

Brian Barnard, Esq.1945-2012 The freethought community was shocked this month by the untimely death of attorney Brian Barnard. There have been numerous articles and tributes recalling his many accomplishments including the separation of state issues...

August 2012

Humanist Perspectives on Change This month our community members answer:  “What do you do during times of big personal change? Both as a life philosophy and as coping strategies in general.” As the saying goes, the only people who like change are ...

July 2012

Healthcare Reform Optimism is rampant with the declaration by the Supreme Court that the Affordable Healthcare Act meets Constitutional muster. However, the devil is in the details. Those of us working in the medical field are all abuzz with “meaningful u...

June 2012

Move to Amend Humanism  is a rational philosophy informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion. It affirms the dignity of each human being and supports individual liberty consonant with social and planetary responsibility. ...

May 2012

As Humanists, Do We Have the Right to Judge Others? I’ve been pondering this question for some time now as I’m faced on an almost daily basis with a barrage of Facebook, email, and other electronic communications from and between a large group of ...

April 2012

Water Waste in Utah On March 8, Humanists of Utah hosted speaker Zach Frankel, founding director of the Utah Rivers Council. Frankel had some interesting and surprising information to share about the extent of water waste in Utah and the politics...

March 2012

Da Vinci, The Leonardo, and Critical Thinking Dr. Joe Andrade, science advisor for The Leonardo Museum in Salt Lake City, was the speaker for our well-attended Darwin Day celebration meeting in February. Dr. Andrade explained that one of the missions...

February 2012

Does Evolution Make Big Changes? Humanists of Utah were treated to a fascinating discussion of evolution by Dr. Alan R. Rogers, professor of anthropology and biology at the University of Utah, who spoke on “Does Evolution Make Big Changes” at our...

January 2012

Celebrating Diversity The basic humanist statement of belief clearly and plainly exemplifies our devotion to respecting and celebrating the diversity of human beliefs, human practices and human life-styles. Humanists trace their views to the ancient...