September 2023
Chaplain’s Corner Train to Live For the past seven years, I’ve had the honor of helping people die. I’ve sat in homes as children and grandchildren have shared memories. I have sung childhood songs in Emergency Rooms. I have spent …
Chaplain’s Corner Train to Live For the past seven years, I’ve had the honor of helping people die. I’ve sat in homes as children and grandchildren have shared memories. I have sung childhood songs in Emergency Rooms. I have spent …
Darwin’s Religious Views Although it can be done, it is difficult to discover Charles Darwin’s religious viewpoints for three reasons. 1. It changed with time. 2. He was loathe to offend religious people. 3. He was not above appearing religious …
President’s Message I have been hearing the word “woke” in general conversations lately, a lot! Both in passing, in deliberate focus (both positive and negative,) and in social media. I mean it has been around for many years, but it …
A Restart On March 19 we held what you might call our first meeting of more than just board members getting together. It was a pleasant surprise as we had most of the board members plus four or five members …
Discussion Group Meeting Informal DiscussionWhy Are We Here?Sunday, March 19, 2023Harmons Holladay MarketHolladay, UT 84117 If you like, you can pick up a beverage at the coffee shop to bring upstairs for a discussion with fellow humanists. HoU will buy …