1992 Newsletters

January 1992

Spirituality I was recently requested to moderate a panel of religious leaders discussing "The Spiritual Aspects of Death and Dying." The panel was composed of representatives from four different denominations. I was challenged by the opportunity,...

February 1992

Humanists of Utah in the News The January 18th 1992 edition of the Salt Lake Tribune  featured in the Religion section an article by reporter Peter Scarlet on the Humanists of Utah. A Photo of Bob Green, Flo Wineriter and Ed Wilson...

March 1992

A Silent Pulpit The following is a summary of the presentation made by Law Professor Edwin B. Firmage at the February meeting of the Humanists of Utah The ideal relationship between church and state is a tough proposition. In the past,...

April 1992

The Future of Humanism: Building a Local Group Introduction For many of you my talk will be a throw away, therefore I'd like everything out front at the beginning so you'll know whether to listen carefully or catch up on your sleep. The...

May 1992

Humanism: Is It a Religion? The following is a summary of a presentation given by University of Utah Professor, Peter C. Appleby, Ph.D., Chairman of the Department of Philosophy, at the April meeting of the Humanists of Utah Define Religion...

June 1992

Chapter of the Year! The Humanists of Utah received this award at the annual conference of the American Humanist Association held in Portland, OR, May 1-3, 1992. This new award was based on membership growth, local activities and public recognition....

July 1992

A New Editor For The Humanist It was announced at the Portland Conference that the new editor of the AHA magazine is Dr. Don Page, presently the editor of The International Humanist , the Journal of the International Humanist and...

August 1992

Creationism Scientists mostly ignore creationists such as Duane Gish and his colleagues of the Institute for Creation Science. The creationists interpret this "conspiracy of silence" as an inability to refute their claims and a disdain for biblical...

September 1992

Making Humanism Useful The following is reprinted from the March/April 1991 issue of the newsletter of the Humanist Association of Massachusetts, edited by Tom Ferrick. Bruce Nappi of the Humanist Friendship Group gives this title ("Making...

October 1992

Myths as Metaphors The first in a series of lectures and discussions on the history of humanism was given by Dr. Randall O. Stewart, Ph.D., at the September meeting of the Utah Humanists. The topic was "Humanism in Ancient Greece and Rome."...

November 1992

Humanistic Elements in Classical Philosophy Summary of the lecture by Peter C. Appleby, Ph.D., at the monthly meeting of the Humanists of Utah, October 8, 1992. ORIGINS The antecedents of humanism can be found in the Golden Age of...

December 1992

The Humanist Manifesto and the Future The Edwin H. Wilson Inaugural Lectureby Sterling M. McMurrin Address delivered to the Humanists of Utah, November 19, 1992, at the First Unitarian Church, Salt Lake City, Utah, on the occasion of the...