One of the things that’s happened is that growth used to be something that you could plausibly argue was pretty much good for everyone, especially those people at the bottom. In the couple of decades after World War II, growth led to more equality and lifted people up. Beginning around the 1980s, growth starts to do the opposite. Growth is what’s creating more inequality, and of course all of that growth is ecologically very destructive. We’re still trapped in the view that growth is going to solve our problems. That view is decades out-of-date.

One of the things that’s happened is that growth used to be something that you could plausibly argue was pretty much good for everyone, especially those people at the bottom. In the couple of decades after World War II, growth led to more equality and lifted people up. Beginning around the 1980s, growth starts to do the opposite. Growth is what’s creating more inequality, and of course all of that growth is ecologically very destructive. We’re still trapped in the view that growth is going to solve our problems. That view is decades out-of-date.

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