April 2015
Women’s Resources
In Like a Lion, The Women’s Resource Center at the University of Utah
If there is a social problem on the University of Utah campus, the go to organization to solve it is the Women’s Resource Center. This they do with the same annual budget they received from the school when they started in 1972. And yet, Jennifer Netto, the Program Director and Kristy Bartley, the Clinical Coordinator, were upbeat and delightful to listen to when they came to speak to us in March. These talented women gathered us into a circle and were able to encourage everyone there to ask questions and generally get involved with the interaction.
The Women’s Resource Center provides support in the form of scholarships and grants from $300 to $2,000 per semester to more than 90 students each academic year. There is advice and general counseling for all students and faculty of the University of Utah, helping them negotiate the campus as well as the community.
The Center has support groups named “Women of Color”, Hand to Hand (General Support)”, “Body Politics”, “LBQQ (Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer and Questioning)” open to all students, staff and faculty.
The program UStart, sponsors 30 incoming freshmen (men and women) to participate in a service learning program for group facilitation and curriculum development skills, as well as taking classes to assist working with diverse populations.
The Go-Girls Community Initiative works with girls in grades 6-12 to expose them to the empowerment of a higher education curriculum.
The Center has the only comprehensive feminist multicultural counselor training program in the country.
Honoring the complexities of women’s identities, the Women’s Resource Center (www.womenscenter.utah.edu) facilitates choices and changes through programs, counseling, and training grounded in a commitment to advance social justice and equality.
—Lauren Florence, MD
Experience the World Without Leaving Home
Ever wonder what you can do to help change the world? This is an opportunity to open your home and family to a high school student from another country and help build bridges of intercultural understanding at a time when the world really needs it. This year, through AFS Intercultural Programs, more than 2,500 young people from 60 countries will arrive in the U.S. to study at local high schools, charter schools and even some private schools. They will live with families just like yours, sharing in day to day activities. Hosting families provide a bed and meals and the same guidance and support they give their own children; students have health insurance and bring spending money with them. All receive the support of local AFS volunteers.
AFS is a worldwide, nonprofit organization that has been leading international high school student exchange for more than 60 years. Each year, AFS-USA sends more than 1,400 US students abroad, provides approximately $3 million in scholarships and financial aid, and welcomes 2,500 international high school students who come to study in US high schools and live with hosting families. More than 6,000 volunteers in the US make the work of AFS possible.
To learn more about our organization and explore opportunities for hosting, studying abroad or volunteering call AFS-USA at 800-876-2377, email hosting@afs.org or check out our website http://www.afs.org. Locally you can call Barbara Calney at 801-942-4014.
“As a humanist and former AFS student to Belgium, I can attest to the life-enhancing experience of being a host family or student abroad.”
—Mark Bedel
HoU Member
Robert Lane’s “President’s Report “will return next month.