August 2022

President’ Message

We are not publishing an August newsletter this year, but I have some thoughts that I want to pass along to the group.

Warmest greetings to you all! It has been a hot month. For me, with this kind of heat, I find discomfort in my routines and look for ways to slow down and get cool. One of the perfect ways to do this is research, reading, going to the library (they have amazing air conditioning) and reaching out to friends to visit with them. Lately, I have been researching stoicism. A new friend introduced me to this concept a couple of months ago and I was intrigued. I love how this philosophy works in alignment to humanism and my personal code of ethics.

The Stoics elaborated a detailed taxonomy of virtue by dividing it not four main types: wisdom, justice, courage, and moderation. They believed that we are all equals and that our external differences, such as wealth, status, power, possessions, and stature have no social importance with respect to our relationships with each other.

For me, this helps eliminate even further dividers from our fellow human family to help create a stronger community, society, and world.

We, as humanists, are a beacon to those around us, who are searching for a different way. One that does not guilt and shame us, as people. One that gives us the freedom to live out good ethics without fear of reprisal or damnation. One that gives us a community to learn and grow in.

I admonish you to take the heat this summer as a motivator to find something cool to lean into. Learn something, spend time with someone, rest—whatever makes you happy and gives you fulfillment.

I send my best from me, and the board and we hope to see all of you in person soon.

Kindest regards,
Melanie White-Curtis
President, HoU

Webmaster / Editor / Publisher