2002 Newsletters
January 2002
What Do We Tell the Children?
Richard Layton’s Discussion Group Report
"Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Not always true, says Nicholas Humphrey in the Journal of Social Research, Vol. 65. "Words can h...
February 2002
The Two Cultures of the Human Race
Richard Layton’s Discussion Group Report
C. P. Snow first articulated a powerful metaphor of human culture four decades ago. This is discussed in an article called "Science and the Nature of Awe" by Rudy B...
March 2002
Honoring Florien J. Wineriter
~A Tribute~
Flo has served Humanists of Utah since the chapter was incorporated in February 1991. He has served as President since December 1991. February 2002 marks the end of his tenure as President, but the...
April 2002
What Freedom is Found in the Local Culture?
Richard Layton’s Discussion Group Report
In a lecture in the University of Utah "Great Issues Forum" in the early 1960's, Professor Waldemar P. Read of the University's Philosophy Department a...
May 2002
A Look At Distributive Justice
Richard Layton’s Discussion Group Report
"As the income and wealth disparity between classes has grown in recent years, and American society has become increasingly fractured, I fear that our collective conscience h...
June 2002
Clash of Civilizations
Richard Layton’s Discussion Group Report
"The West may one day have to fight for its most cherished values, and, indeed, physical survival against extremists from other cultures who despise our country and will embroil u...
July 2002
Unspoken Divide
Richard Layton’s Discussion Group Report
Last December, The Salt Lake Tribune carried a special feature of several pages with the same title as the present article. It was introduced with the caption, "Intolerance, m...
August 2002
What Has Happened to Our Freedom?
Richard Layton’s Discussion Group Report
Summary of Jerry Spence's From Freedom to Slavery.
Spence says: "As for solutions, there are only two kinds--those from outside of the self and those f...
September 2002
Inside the Mind of Joseph Smith
Richard Layton’s Discussion Group Report
Why did Joseph Smith behave the way he did? And why did his followers so gullibly accept his pronouncements as the Word of God? Psychiatrist Robert D. Anderson attempts t...
October 2002
Origins of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Richard Layton’s Discussion Group Report
Israelis and Palestinians keep killing each other; and the world looks on in dismay, wondering whether it will ever stop.
How did it all get started? D...
November 2002
Religion Is Not Withering Away
Richard Layton’s Discussion Group Report
"Religion didn't begin to wither away during the twentieth century, as some academic experts had prophesied. Far from it," says Toby Lester in his article, "Oh, Gods!" i...
December 2002
The Seeds of Enmity
Richard Layton’s Discussion Group Report
In the October issue of The Utah Humanist we presented the chronological first half of the genesis of the present Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Here we are describing t...